Title Reports

Our title reports service presents comprehensive information on registered and unregistered land, its proprietorship and associated benefits, burdens, charges and restrictions.

Information contained in titles is presented in a way which makes it’s meaning and implications clear to investors, developers and their professional advisers while retaining its links to the land register or deeds.

Much of the title reporting process is automated, providing cost efficiency and speed.

For service definition and pricing, please visit our G-Cloud listing.

A perfect fit for your needs

Whether you’re:

  • Advising a client;
  • Investigating property rights;
  • Assembling land for development;
  • Identifying the potential impact of third-party rights on changing the use of property;
  • Valuing property assets,
  • Our title reports service presents the information you need to make decisions or inform your clients.

Work efficiently anywhere

Our software platform is designed to work in the most demanding of environments:

  • Work anywhere, you can even create and edit spatial data on the move;
  • Access information from anywhere – integrated text, spatial, documents and images;
  • Easily transfer data, specifications and processes between systems based on a common language.

Work with confidence

You can trust the data you use (and create) because:

  • All data entering the system is quality controlled;
  • It is linked to the evidence from which it was captured;
  • You can see its history and the purposes for which it  is suitable;
  • It is held in a secure environment – it can only be created, altered or used with permission.